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CBS Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alum / Zoom

Image for CBS Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alum / Zoom

Was notified of interview invite and was matched with a recent alum and instructed to schedule Zoom interview.

I provided my resume to the interviewer when scheduling the interview, but the interviewer had not seem my application or read my essays.

Questions asked:
Why MBA / why CBS?
Short term / long term goals?
How will being in NYC help?
Tell me about a time you got critical feedback.
Tell me about a time you used data to help you on a project.
Tell me about 2-3 important qualities you’ve picked up in your work experience so far.
And 5 minutes at end of interview for me to ask questions.

Interviewer was friendly and willing to chat at the end of the interview about their experience at CBS. All-in the interview took ~35-40 minutes and the interviewer followed up with me later that day to let me know they had submitted their feedback to CBS.