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CBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off Campus

Image for CBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off Campus

Since I and the alumnus were from Mumbai, he invited me to his office for the interview. The interview was blind (resume-based). The questions he asked were:

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Career goals. He grilled me about the goals a lot – checked my knowledge of my industry.
3. Why MBA, why CBS?
4. What is your leadership style?
5. Give an example of when you gave feedback to someone.
6. Name one interesting project that you worked on in your current company.
7. Strengths and weaknesses.
8. Any questions for me?

Overall the interview was very formal. The alumnus was very determined to understand my goals and make sense of it. So, I would recommend anyone interviewing for CBS to thoroughly understand their industry and know the details of it.