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U. Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-Campus

Image for U. Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year Student / On-Campus

The following U. Chicago Booth interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I just had my on-campus interview last week, the interview is blind conducted with second-year student.

Before interview, we waited in a rest area outside of some interview rooms. There were some first year students that came over to chat with us. The interviewer came out and called our names.

My interview started with a warm up and interviewer’s self introduction.

1. Walk-through résumé
2. Tell me one of your leadership story (I felt a little bit surprised here because she started behavior questions first)
3. A time have to work conflict with someone senior or junior than you.
4. A story about your accomplishment.
5. One feedback you received.
6. Why MBA?
7. Why Booth?
8. What clubs will you participate in?
9. Your back up plan if you cannot achieve your career goal.
10. Questions for interviewer.

Not so sure how it went, the interviewer was cold faced the whole time with no facial expression. After the interview, we had lunch and a tour, led by some first- and second-year students. I had my class visit in the afternoon.

Preparing for an upcoming U. Chicago Booth interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit U. Chicago Booth Interview Guide.

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