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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Experience

Originally published by Business as Unusual

This was a real shocker to me. I interviewed on campus so that I could meet with some of the students working in the non-profit clubs before the interivew. Unfortunately, because of scheduling problems and horrible SPRINT reception in the campus, I couldn’t do so. (I have switched to Verizon :)) The person who interviewed me seemed a little …. ummm ….. mean. I got the impression that he was not interested in my answers. He interrrupted me several times and would snub me every 2-3 minutes. It seemed like he did not believe my answers and didn’t give me a chance to clarify. 20 minutes into the interview, I was like ..”what the @##$ is going on”. Shouldn’t I be doing 80% of the talking !! Having conducted over 100 interviews myself, I thought it was insulting and disrespectful. Anyway, I made sure I made my points about “why I liked Chicago” and “why I think my career plans make sense” before leaving the room. I was happy that I managed to make my point clearly without getting mad or becoming incoherent. Before leaving the school, I informed one of the Admissions Committe members of my “surprising” interview experience.

I am still not sure how I got into Chicago given my horrid interview. Maybe the interview was an aberration. Maybe not all students are like my interviewer. But at this point in time, I do not see myself accepting the GSB offer.