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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum

The interviewer was nice and friendly, and he appeared quite professional during the interview. As we met each other, he said he was sorry because he forgot to tell me I wouldn’t need to dress up for this interview. Then there came his ice breaker – “do you know what my first question is?” While he grinned at me, I thought the first question would be something like “why MBA”, but he turned out to ask me about a bullet in the “Additional” section on my resume. So I explained to him what happened, and added what it has meant to me.

Below is a list of (serious, or more serious) questions from him which I could still remember after the interview. I jot down these questions and sent the interviewer a thank-you note at a nearby Starbucks.

  1. Walk me through your resume.
  2. Why MBA?
  3. Why Chicago GSB? He said I must be also looking at other schools, but he didn’t ask me why Chicago GSB over other programs.
  4. What do you want to do after getting an MBA from Chicago GSB?

Somewhere during the interview, we chatted about the new building and its disruptive architectural style on the Gothic-dominant campus.

  1. What brought you to the US from China?
  2. How do you like your graduate school experience?
  3. What can you bring to the extracurricular activities at Chicago GSB?
  4. What brought you to this area (where I am now)?
  5. Do people at work know about your MBA application?
  6. Any questions?

Overall, the interview wasn’t stressful at all. As I was about to exit the interviewer’s office, he commented that I am a strong candidate and that he’d like to see me move to Hyde Park this fall. Certainly I hope he meant it. :o)