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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni

11/22/2006- Had my interview recently with an alumnus in a coffee shop. Just a quick background about me – Reapplicant, GMAT – 720, Technology-Software Engineering, undergrad GPA – 3.53, Graduate GPA – 3.9, 4 years Work exp by matriculation, Managing people at work, Strong extra-curriculars.

My interview went quite well. Only on one occasion, did my interviewer have to cut me short as I was covering a lot of ground in the answer. However, I believe I was able to get the following main points across:

– Reapplicant – New and improved theme – How am I a better candidate this year? – Managerial Role at work (Was cut short 2/3rds into the story) – Cross-functional involvement at work – New extra-curricular Community Service involvement – Goals, Why MBA, Why Chicago and What can I contribute? – Other Extra-curricular non-profit involvement

The interviewer did not throw any curveballs at me – it was a pretty standard Chicago GSB interview: – Walk me through your resume – Work Experiences – leadership? – Why do want to leave your company and go for an MBA? – Why do you think Chicago GSB is the right place for you? – Do you have any questions for me?

Even though the questions were not too many, I did my best to weave the above mentioned points into my answers making sure I got all my points across. This is important – do not rely on your interviewer to ask you all the questions you want to be asked. Make sure you know ahead of time what you want to communicate and weave them into your answers for other questions. I also sent my interviwer a thank you email reiterating all the above mentioned points.

Even though it is difficult to gauge what the outcome will be due to so many other variables in the application process, I think a good interview improves the chances considerably.

Historically, I think only 1/3rd of the people who are invited to interview at Chicago GSB get admission offers. This time Chicago GSB R1 decisions will be announced much earlier on 12/20.