I attended my Chicago interview at a coffee place. The Chicago alumnus met me in the evening, between meetings. But he definitely did not rush through the interview. We spoke for all of 2 hours and for almost all questions he asked me, he gave me his own opinion on Chicago as well. So, besides going through this important component of my application (i.e. the interview), I also got a first hand taste of life at Chicago. The interviewer was very relaxed and the mood throughout the interview was very conversational and cordial. He had a long list of pre-prepared questions. I didn’t ask him if he prepared those questions himself or if he was provided the list by Chicago adcom. But in any case, he did tell me that we had to take note of my responses to be able to fill my interview review form for Chicago. So, he was scribbling on that one A4 size paper throughout the interview in really small letters to accommodate all of 2 hours of information on it.
Questions asked:
- Very briefly and quickly, run me through your resume. It was indeed brief and quick. He asked me to go into some details on specific items on my resume. He even wrote some notes on my resume itself.
- Tell me of a class from your undergraduate experience that you still remember. Why? He asked me specific questions about the ‘why’ reply.
- Tell me of a time when you had a disagreement with someone. What happened? He didn’t want to hear how the disagreement was resolved, but rather how I handled the disagreement itself, i.e. Were there any fights? Who did what to improve/worsen the situation, etc?
- Why MBA, why at Chicago and why now? He wanted me to state these briefly.
- What do you expect from the classes at Chicago?
- What is your ideal breakdown of lectures and case based studies? After I had provided my answer, he told me that Chicago generally had a 50-50 breakdown that sometimes favoured case studies to become 60-40.
- Tell me of a time when you faced a difficult situation. What happened? How was it resolved?
- Tell me of an ethical dilemma you faced. How was it resolved?
- Tell me about your contributions to community service.
- Tell me about a leadership experience that you cherish.
- Ask me any questions that you may have. I asked him 3 questions, all related to Chicago Alumni (since he is one). This part of the interview took 30 mins and the rest of it took about 1.5 hrs.
At the end, he paid for his coffee and I for mine. I didn’t ask for any feedback, but the general feeling I got was that I had done well. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything… after all, the interview is just one extra data point (or so the adcoms would have us believe). All the best to the future interviewees. I sincerely hope the above helps.