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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-Campus, Round 2, February 28, 2007

Originally posted by Negat|veCreep

I interviewed with a second-year, off-campus. All in all, I think it was a pretty comfortable experience. There was no real structure to the interview and I was allowed to take it in the direction I wanted to, which I thought was really nice of her. We chatted for a couple minutes about very general stuff. She had already gone through my resume, and asked me to start off by sort of taking her through some of the stuff I’ve done at work, and weave in my reasons and motivation for pursuing an MBA with it. For some reason, all the spiel I’d prepared went out the window, and I answered the whole thing pretty much off-the-cuff. Now that I think about it, this took me a while to get through, but I think I got out everything I wanted to say. She kind of misunderstood my short-term plans, and asked for a clarification at this point, I apologised and elaborated further, we moved on.

Then followed the usual “So why Chicago GSB?”. Now, I’m really, really, really excited by what this school has to offer, and so this section was a breeze. I had a ton of stuff to talk about, and covered most of it. I mentioned the IBEP, it turned out that she’d been abroad for a quarter too, and was only too happy to share her experience. I spoke quite a bit about the Polsky center, which immediately led her to her next question about how I would contribute to the GSB, and what clubs/activities interested me. Again, this was not a problem. Actually, there are *too* many clubs that interest me, and we had a couple of light-ish moments here.

Then came a question right out of left-field – “If you could have any super-power, what would it be?”. Fortunately, I’m a bit of a comic-book geek, and it only took me a second to think about this one. I said something about being a cross between Batman and Spidey, and spinning webs shooming in the Batcar. By this point, I was getting real comfy, and it was pretty much smooth-sailing. I got the impression that she was looking simply to judge my personality and fit. She wanted to know more about a couple of things I have done in life, and I obliged. Then we went on the part where I got to add anything I wanted to. She hadn’t asked me “Why now?”, so I spoke about my need to go to school now, convincingly, I hope.

I’m sure there are a few things I’ve already forgotten, but anyway, I then got to ask her some questions. For some reason, I hadn’t thought of any questions to ask her before the interview, but once she asked me, there were ALL sorts of questions forming in my head. She answered most of them well, although she had to think for a couple. Then we shook hands, and I was done.