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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

My interview was conducted by an alum at his office. It was quite a formal conversation. He introduced himself and told me a little bit about his background (post-MBA experience and what he’s doing right now). He said the interview would last not more than 30 minutes and then dived straight into the questions (not necessarily in the same sequence):

1. Walk me through your resume
2. Why MBA? Why Booth?
3. What would you like to do at Booth outside of the classroom?
4. Don’t you think some post-MBA experience in operations would help before you go for a startup?
5. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in your career? Tell me a little about about the experience
6. How would the economics work out in your startup idea?
7. In your experience with startups, what advice would you give to entrepreneurs?
8. As a re-applicant, what’s changed since the last time you applied?
9. Time for questions – you have 2 minutes

Took exactly 30 mins as he’d mentioned in the beginning!