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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Just finished my interview with an alumni (2010 graduate). It went well, it was definitely fun. 90 minutes in total, at a Starbucks.

We talked briefly about each others day at work, and she led that conversation into describing my current role. It wasn’t strictly structured, more conversational but covered all of the questions:

  1. Why Booth
  2. Why MBA
  3. Why now
  4. What if I hate my internship what is Plan B
  5. Describe my leadership style with an example
  6. Teamwork
  7. Professional groups at Booth
  8. Social clubs at Booth
  9. 3 things my friends would describe about me
  10. What other schools I’ve applied to
  11. Hobbies/volunteer activities & interests (and inspiration for those).

We shared an interest and coincidentally it was the theme of my powerpoint, and I had taken the color printouts. I shared the relevant slide and she asked if she could keep the rest. She then asked me to talk about things that are important to me but aren’t on my resume. This took up the first 45 minutes, and she made copious notes. Often times, after my answer, she would talk briefly about Booth.

The next 45 minutes, I asked her questions about Booth and she was super excited to talk about the city, the school, students, etc. She loved her Booth experience! She offered to introduce me to people in the industry I want to switch to.

All in all, I think it went well.