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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Hey all,

I just finished my off-campus alumni interview this evening. My interviewer was very pleasant and the interview, quite conversational. The interview lasted an hour and was at a Starbucks. I’ve paraphrased some of the questions as I don’t remember them verbatim.

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. So why’re you seeking an MBA now?
  3. Why Booth?
  4. Talk about your leadership experience. What/who has influenced your leadership style?
  5. Give an example of a leadership-based conflict.
  6. What role do you take on in a team? How have you handled a team-based conflict? (Follow-up questions specific to my story)
  7. Booth has classes that present different settings: group-based, individual, project-based. Which ones do you have a preference for? Why?
  8. Which extracurricular activities are you looking to engage in at Booth?
  9. Why would you choose Booth over other schools you might be considering?
  10. Any questions (for the interviewer)?

Good luck, everyone!