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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Off-Campus / Alumnus in Mumbai, India

The regular questions I faced were:

  • Tell me about your background – other than what I can see on your resume (this completely threw me off-guard as I was expecting a walk me through your resume type question. From the first question itself, the interview was more like a conversation)
  • Walk me through the different phases in your life – mentioned in your resume. esp. your undergraduate experience as this will be closest to your MBA experience at Chicago
  • What is your long term career vision? – paint me a vivid picture
  • You’re doing quite well for yourself – so Why do an MBA?
  • Why Chicago and not another Top B-school?
  • Any questions for alumnus?

I will write this in the form of advice I can give from my experience of interviewing with Chicago Booth. My interview had all the regular questions weaved into a regular, casual conversation. The conversation style put me completely at ease and all the answers I’d prepared went out the window. I was completely myself even though I tried hard to say the words I had practiced. So the first rule is BE YOURSELF and BE HONEST.

  1. Be completely Honest with your story – if you’re not enthusiastic about your long term goals, don’t expect the interviewer to fall for it. They can tell if you’ve made something up or are genuine
  2. Prepare, Prepare, Prepare — deliver the HONEST answers to the frequently asked questions (all the ones mentioned on this thread) again and again to yourself out aloud. Perhaps have 1-2 mock interviews with ex-students to judge if you’re coming across as fake or honest.
  3. BE very clear about WHY CHICAGO – Right level of enthusiasm and depth of answers is important while judging FIT. (Flexible curriculum is unique to Chicago – so play up this strength if you can link it to your background in Accounting / Econ. etc)
  4. Write a Thank you note to the interviewer after you are done with the meet.

I found the wiki blog really helpful.. Keep this forum going guys.. Here’s my contribution, as I hope others will benefit from it. Good Luck!