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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-Campus / 2nd year Student

Courtesy of Soni’s MBA Adventure

I got to the admissions office at 1:15pm, fifteen minutes before my interview. I talked to the first year greeter for a bit and she talked about her trip to Thailand with other Booth students.

Finally, it was time for the interview. The interviewer was a second year student. She talked about her background, internship, and how she was returning to the company she interned for over the summer. Here are the questions I remember and some details of my answers — I’ve left out any details that may give away my identity:

Tell me about yourself and how you got here. I didn’t know exactly what she was looking for so I talked basically about my career path, my love of electronics and technology, and how they’re intertwined.

What are your goals and why do you need an MBA? Told her about my long-term goals in the high-tech sector and the relevant skills I will gain from an MBA that I can’t gain in my current career path.

Why Chicago? I had a ton of reasons here, but just gave her a few, keeping in mind to include my impressions from my three visits to the school.

Why are you doing a second Masters degree? Another easy one, as my MS degree is in a technical field and will be relevant to my future high-tech mgmt goals, but doesn’t give me the same skillset that an MBA degree would.

Tell me about a couple of leadership experiences. I kept both experiences non-professional, which I’m second guessing at this point.

If you had a team member that wasn’t carrying his/her weight, how would you approach it? This was an easy one, because I’ve been in this situation. I told her how I handled it and why, and that I would handle it the same way again if given a chance to do so.

Any questions for me? I went through some questions about the flexible curriculum, student clubs, and student life.

Overall it was a very conversational interview and I think we had pretty good rapport. I left and headed to the airport for my flight, exhausted but satisfied with my experience.