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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus

The interview was held on campus. It was with a second year student and lasted for about 50 minutes. I was surprised by how friendly the interviewer was and this led to a very conversational interview. The interviewer began by providing me with some of his background and experiences. As it turned out, we shared a number of similar interests and the conversation developed from here. I was only asked four standard questions and got the impression the interviewer just wanted to get these out of the way so that we could continue with the conversation. The questions asked were as follows:

1. Talk me through your resume? (He probed a little here, mainly based on an overlap of interests)
2. Why do you want to do an MBA?
3. Why Booth?
4. Questions for him

Overall, it was completely different and much more relaxed that I expected.