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Chicago Booth MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-Campus / Second-Year Student

I was not busy at work and not having seen the GSB opted to go to Chicago to interview. Spent the day before interview in classes and with students. This is helpful if you can attend as it gives a good feel for the school.

Interview took place at the Hyde Park campus with a second year student. Interview was laid back and ‘informal’ at the interviewers request.

Interview initially took the same structure as most other interviewees have reported. These reports and the ClearAdmit interview guide were good preparation. Questions included:

  1. Walk me through your CV (It cannot be overstated how important it is to have a good answer for this. I don’t think I did!)
  2. Pick out highlights
  3. Talk me through a leadership and teamworking role.
  4. Request for some details on academics
  5. etc….

It was a very free-form interview with me leading and the student merely asking for a more detail or weighing in with an opinion.

However the bulk of the interview stayed focused on my non-professional activities (charity work etc), which was prompted by the interviewer. I found this pretty odd compared to most of the reports from previous interviewees.

The interviewer left 5-10 minutes at the end for questions, and again this was an informal back and forth as opposed to a question and answer session. Interviewers and second year students seemed clued up and ready to provide frank answers.