I interviewed for the R2 at Chicago Booth with an alumni and off campus ( I am an international candidate). We met at his office and he received me 10 minutes before our appointment (I arrived a little early). The interview was overall a great experience, and relaxed. – It lasted a little over an hour and he asked me if I was fine spending a little more time in our conversation (which I obviously was). It flowed like a conversation and he kept following up on my answers. In the end, it felt very natural, but covered all the basics:
- Walk me through your resume and highlights in your experience
- Why did you chose your under graduate degree
- How did you chose your industry / current job
- Major accomplishments
- An example of once you have failed
- Why an MBA
- Why now?
- What do you expect from Booth?
- Why Chicago Booth?
- Which other schools are you applying to?
- What leadership experiences you have? How is your interaction day to day with your team?
- What do you expect from your MBA in the long term?
- What are you specializing in?
- What are the differences you’ve found between different nationalities while working in a multinational?
- How is a regular day in your line of work?
- Your relationship with your current supervisor?
- Why changing careers?
- Questions for me (I focused on his experience, clubs, how he chose his line of work, and living in Chicago)
Overall, friendly and relaxed. We did discussed in detailed what was the point of difference that made Chicago my first choice, and he went in depth into that. I recommend having a clear understanding on how Chicago is different from the other top programs and how those differences make it a better fit for you. My interview flowed as a continuity of follow up questions that felt like a very natural conversation. Also, it seemed like me having visited campus and understood the differences of Chicago vs. my other options was a high point of the conversation. I was nervous, and ended up feeling like I was the one setting the pace of the interview.