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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

Image for Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

The Booth Admissions committee offered an in-person interview option that was easy to do in conjunction with in-person programming consisting of a complimentary lunch with current first-year students at the Booth cafeteria, a student-led tour of the Harper Center, and attending up to two classes with Booth students. The in-person interview process allowed for a very personable and engaging glimpse into the Booth experience. I elected to do the in-person programming the day prior to my interview, which better informed me on specific courses and professors for the interview.

The interview was conducted by a second-year Booth Admissions Fellow. Interviewees were asked to wait in the admissions office and an interviewer came into the waiting area to call out an interviewee’s name. After being called, the interviewer led the interviewee down a hallway to a small private room to conduct the interview.

The interview was resume-based and the interviewer spent a lot of time asking about experience highlighted on the application resume. The interviewer was blind to all other components of the application.

The interview was approximately 30-45 minutes and allowed for a very personable discussion. My interviewer dispelled any tension/stress at the beginning of the interview by saying he simply wanted to have a conversation and get to know me better as an applicant.

I was asked primarily about prior work experience and how that would enable me to be successful at Booth. The interviewer was interested to know about what specifically drew me to Booth I.e. Specific courses, Professors, Clubs/Activities. The interviewer asked about target industry following Booth.

I was surprised at the casual and relatively informal conversation that the interview devolved into. The questions did not surprise me and were typical of many other schools interview.

I was ultimately not accepted despite a very strong interview and connection/conversation with the interviewer. I suspect the interviewer wanted to hear more about how I wanted to live in Chicago and emphasize the draw of the location in applying to Booth also. I also draw that the interview has less of a bearing than other aspects of the application such as test scores/GPA. I spoke to other applicants who did claimed they did not have strong interviews/conversations, but had stronger GRE/GPA and were admitted.