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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Interviewed with a 2Y student. It was a conversational meeting. He asked lots of behavioral questions to really get to know me. My overall advice would be to just be yourself, he was trying to figure out what kind of person I am. (Lasted about 50 minutes)

– Walk me through your resume.
– How are you looking to improve your leadership skills?
– What are your ST and LT goals?
– Tmat when you had two conflicting projects you led. What were your actions?
– How would your coworkers describe you with three words and why?
– Why MBA, why now, why Booth?
– Which clubs are you looking to join?
– What do you want to get out of your MBA besides your professional and academic goals?
– If you were to graduate from an MBA program, how would your classmates describe you?
– What was the biggest challenge you faced in your professional career?
– What is your leadership style?
– Tmat when you failed.
– Tell me about a leadership experience you had.
– How do you motivate people?
– How do you ask for help? Tmat when you asked for help.
– Which classes are you excited for?
– Any question for me?