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Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

It was a very nice experience. The interviewer was very friendly, and the interview was very conversational. These were the questions that were asked:

– Introduction
– What kind of team do you work with best? What kind of roles do you shine in the most?
– Long-Term Goals & Short-Term Goals?
– Why MBA? Why Booth? Why now?
– A person whom you have met who has broadened your horizon?
– How do you juggle multiple priorities?
– Anything you wanna tell us which any of the questions couldn’t cover?
– Any questions for me?

The only advice I can give to future applicants is to think of it as more of a conversation rather than an interview. Don’t overprepare – as that might make you robotic, instead think of it like talking to a friend who is curious about why you are doing an MBA or what your plans are. You know your life, you can answer any question that will be asked. Make it like a conversation and you will do just fine. That’s what I did and my interview was better than I could have ever imagined.

All the best, y’all! 🙂