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CMU / Tepper MBA Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

Image for CMU / Tepper MBA Interview Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype

The following CMU / Tepper MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant. Good luck to them!

1) Tell about yourself.
2) Why [undergrad course]?
3) Why first company?
4) Roles and responsibilities
5) Why MBA now?
6) Short term goals
7) Why Tepper?
8) What would you bring to Tepper?
9) Questions about my decision making experience.
10) Question about conflict resolution.
11) Asked me about my multicultural experience.
12) Any questions for me?

It was a very pleasant interview and it lasted for about 30 minutes. Debbie was very polite and she really wanted to get to know me.