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Columbia Business School Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Columbia Business School Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

Fairly straightforward. Interviewer was friendly, 10+ year alum, interview took place in the co-working space he uses. I had sent him my resume when I emailed to schedule the interview, and he had it printed (though I had also brought a copy with me). His main focus seemed to be understanding my story – where I was coming from, why MBA, and where I want to go – and seemed very structured in asking questions that would chronologically develop this narrative in his perspective. Other than that, he asked some questions about living abroad (I’ve lived in 6 countries) and seemed eager to talk about his experience at Columbia.

No trick questions; he did ask about other schools I’ve applied to but seemed satisfied when I explained that Columbia is my #1 choice and that I’m applying to a few other similar schools as safeties (named NYU and Yale, he nodded in agreement with that statement).

He seemed very excited to offer his own expertise and to talk about his experience as a student.

He was quick to respond to emails when setting up the interview, informal in his tone, and quick to email congratulations when I was accepted.

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