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Columbia Business School Interview Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for Columbia Business School Interview Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The following Columbia Business School interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision applicant.

Once I received my interview invite, I logged my zip code and received a list of 6 alumni interviewers. I reached out to the first after reviewing their profiles on LinkedIn, and they responded within 48 hours. We set up a one-hour interview which ended up lasting about 90 minutes.

It was sort of a dialogue — typical MBA questions on goals, motivations, extra-curriculars, examples of leadership — but the interviewer took copious notes, presumably for the interview report, which was submitted the following day (weekend). Received confirmation email from CBS that interview report had been submitted.

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Stanford? Click here to get the Clear Admit Columbia Business School Interview Guide.

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