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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Almunus / Off Campus

January 06, Chicago. The interview was with an alumni (MBA ’01) in Chicago. We met in Starbucks in Sears Tower (downstairs from my office) and spent about 1 hour and 15 mins for the interview. The interview was very informal, as expected. To summarize, the interview was just a discussion with me in focus. Questions: What do you like to do, at work and for leisure? What did you work on today? What is your progress at work? What were challenges as work? To what other schools did you apply? Why Columbia? The interviewer asked me about the admissions process (he wasn’t aware of the early decision clause). He also talked about Columbia and New York a lot, emphasizing that Columbia has a wide variety of opportunities, strong faculty…

The interviewer didn’t have a business card (he started a new job recently), so he wrote down his email address for me. I actually couldn’t read the hand writing, so had to call him back today to confirm. I sent the thank you letter shortly thereafter.The interview went well and the interviewer offered to assist with any future questions that I may have.