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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / ED

I had no trouble contacting one of the three alumni about an interview. The alum asked me to email my resume beforehand. The day of the interview, I met with him in his offices. He was friendly yet professional.

There was no “take me through your resume” question…

Right off the bat, he asked why business school – but then limited my answer by saying “but i don’t want to hear its because you need to learn about finance and accounting to start your own business, because you can always hire someone else to do that ” (I plan to be an entrepreneur)

Why Columbia? Why now?

What others schools am I applying?

How did I choose my undergrad?

He asked me some difficult industry-related questions, which challenged me a bit.

We talked about his involvement with the school.

He told me once toward the end of the interview and once at the end that he thought i had a strong case for Why Columbia and that he would positively recommend me to the school.