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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumnus

I was given three names to contact. Besides their names and year of graduation, I didn’t have any other info on them. The interviewer only had access to my resume. Interview lasted 40 minutes. I don’t think he had a script of questions but he was given an outline of areas to cover in the interview. It was very conversational. He would tell me about his experiences throughout the interview.

1. Why MBA? Why now? Why Columbia?

2. What other schools did you apply to? Where are you in the process? Why Columbia over those schools in particular?

3. What would you bring to Columbia that other applicants of similar professional background would not have?

4. What is your experience regarding international business?

5. Tell me about your current responsibilities.

6. Explain your career goals.

7. What are some of your concerns regarding attending Columbia?

8. Tell me about a time where you managed people or managed a project.