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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alum Interview / Off-Campus

The interview was very relaxed and in formal an my interviewer made it a point to mention that she wanted me to feel relaxed and have a more candid chat than a formal interview. The interview itself was just that, a chat about myself, my goals, a lot of emphasis on why an MBA and why now.

The main interview questions were:

  1. What is your management style
  2. Time when you have made a major mistake at work and how you dealt with it
  3. Time when you were faced with an ethical dilemma
  4. why an MBA?
  5. why now ?
  6. why columbia? Other schools you are applying to.
  7. career plans after MBA
  8. back up plan
  9. achievement at work
  10. I’m in consulting and therefore I was asked what I like and don’t like about consulting ..

Then question for her..

Result – still waiting to hear back, wish me luck and good luck with your interviews