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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Early Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

Had my interview last night with an alum in my city. She took about a week to respond to my initial email regarding scheduling, but was flexible once we touched base. Interview took place at her office after work. Setting was relaxed. The entire interview took approximately 50 minutes, but felt much shorter. Questions were as follows:

  • Walk me through your resume
  • Why are seeking an MBA now?
  • What were your criteria for an MBA program? Why did you select the schools to apply to that you did?
  • What other schools are you applying to?
  • Why Columbia?
  • What do you want to do after you get your MBA?
  • Do those companies/industries interview at Columbia? If not, how do you reach out to them?
  • What is your backup plan if you don’t get a job where you want post-MBA?
  • What is your long-term goal?
  • What’s my leadership style and provide an example?
  • How will I contribute to Columbia?
  • Time I faced adversity example
  • Ethical dilemma example
  • Tell me something unique about yourself
  • What would you bring to Columbia?

Overall, very comprehensive line of questioning with tons of follow-ups on the “why Columbia?” and “what are your goals?” questions. I believe she asked every question on her sheet. She did not ask if I had any questions for her. As we were walking out, she seemed positive regarding the interview and wanted me to keep her updated on my status.

Status: Waiting to hear back.