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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni

For Fall 2007

The interview went well overall. It was at the alum’s office. The interviewer said it would be around 45 minutes but I think we ended up talking about an hour or so.


  1. Take me through your resume
  2. Tell me about one signficant leadership experience
  3. You seem to be having a great career so far. why do u want to give that up and go for an MBA
  4. What other schools are you looking at
  5. Why Columbia
  6. How do you work in a team setting?
  7. Describe an event where you had a difficult time in a team setting?
  8. Tell me about your involvement with community projects.
  9. Any questions for me.

After the questions were done we spent some time chatting about his experience. The alum explained that finding an apt can be a pain and so can commuting to the school.