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Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Report: Early Decision / Alum / Off campus

Image for Columbia MBA Admissions Interview Report: Early Decision / Alum / Off campus

T300px-Columbia_University_01he following Columbia MBA Admissions interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant who has been accepted Columbia Business School. Congratulations to them!

This website has helped me greatly to get accepted to Columbia Business School! I want to share my experience here and hope it can help others who are going through the application process.

Below is the timeline of my application:

Submit all materials: 6/21/2015
Interview invite: 7/13/2015
Interview date: 8/5/2015
Interview feedback submitted: 8/12/2015
Acceptance call: 8/24/2015

The interview was scheduled at a local cafe at 9am. She is a CBS ’12. One thing I want to emphasize is to DO YOUR RESEARCH on your interviewer before you go in. You don’t need to let him/her know you know everything about him/her (show you are impressed when they talk about their experiences) but there shouldn’t be any surprises about them when you go into the interview. Because I feel I knew her already through my research, the entire interview felt like talking to a good old friend. I dressed in business professional (recommended!) and she was in casual attire. She was very interested in my extracurricular experiences and how I made an impact on the local community. Below are the questions she asked: (she told me there are several checklist questions that she HAS TO ask):

1) Walk through resume (especially xxx activities you did)
2) What is your short-term career goal?
3) What classes/ student clubs you are interested in?
4) What if you do not get into the industry you want?
5) Why New York?
6) Why CBS?
7) Tell me your most successful team work experience. You can define “successful” yourself.

At the end of the interview, we clicked and she said she’ll definitely recommend me to the school and hope I can get in; and I did.

One final advice: there is no over-preparation when it comes to the interview. Pick the interviewer who you can mostly relate to, read all Clear Admit reports, do your due diligence and practice, practice, practice! GOOD LUCK ALL!

For more Columbia MBA admissions interview questions, visit our Columbia Interview Archive!