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Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The following Columbia Business School interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision MBA applicant. Good luck to them!

I met with my interviewer off-campus in the city where I live (East Coast city, not NYC) at a coffee shop over the weekend. I wore a suit and they also wore business attire. The interview was conducted by a recent graduate who also lives in the city. All scheduling and outreach is the applicant’s responsibility once you are matched in their online portal. The interview was blind so I had to provide my resume in advance (I put it in the Google Calendar invite), and I provided a hard copy at the meeting. My interviewer had clearly read my resume and casually referenced items during our discussion, which I appreciated.

The questions were relatively stock, and included (in order best I can remember):
– Tell me about yourself
– Walk me through your resume
– Tell me what your plan B is if you don’t get your dream career after school
– Why an MBA? Why now?
– Why CBS?
– What sort of leader are you?
– What questions do you have for me?

We wrapped up by having probably a 20 min discussion about their time on campus, what they do for work, and specifics about recommendations for your first year on campus. Overall it was a very approachable, friendly discussion that I enjoyed. I think their format speaks well to the CBS ethos.

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