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Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus

The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision applicant. Good luck to them!

After applying for admission in the regular decision round, I was working abroad at the time. I met with an alumnus who worked in the same city I was stationed in for an interview over coffee.

Overall, he was extremely welcoming and ran through the following questions:

1. Walk me through your résumé.
2. Why and MBA, and more importantly why now?
3. How long have you lived/worked in country X, and why did you decide to move here.
4. What are your short term/long term aspirations.
5. Tell me about a time you overcame cultural differences when working on a team.
6. What is the biggest problem you see facing your company today, and why?
7. Do you have any questions for me?

He did a very good job of keeping the conversation cordial and welcoming. Despite the curve ball questions at the end, I ensured to keep my responses genuine. He and I ended up talking for an additional hour after the official interview was over. Best of luck to everyone!

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