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Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumni / Off-Campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Regular Decision / Alumni / Off-Campus

The following Columbia MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision Round applicant. Good luck to them!

The interview was at the alumni’s office. It lasted about 50 minutes. The questions were mostly based on my work history, why MBA, and why Columbia? I had read that the interviewer would try and garner if Columbia is top choice. It did seem that he asked a lot of probing questions around this topic.

The interviewer started out by giving me a brief description of his background. He then asked me about my experience to date. He stopped me throughout and drilled down on some things on my résumé, for ex he asked:

  • How do I reach my sales goals?
  • How did I increased film profitability by 300%?
  • What were involvement with budget and capex?
  • What KPIs did I implemented in the spa?
  • And how did I manage a near-zero downtime pms switch?
  • Why MBA?
  • Why Columbia?
  • Any specific classes I want to take?
  • What will I do if I do not get into business school?
  • What will I do after business school if I do not get into consulting?
  • Did I apply to other schools?
  • When making my final MBA decision, what is my criteria?
  • How do I feel about finance classes?
  • Is there anything I think will be a red flag to the admissions committee? (He prefaced this by saying that he wants to highly recommend me, so he wants to spin anything that could be negative in a positive light.)

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Columbia? Click here to get the Clear Admit Columbia Business School Interview Guide.

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