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Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Rolling admissions / Alumnus / Off-campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Questions & Report: Rolling admissions / Alumnus / Off-campus

The following Columbia Business School MBA interview questions & report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Rolling Admissions applicant. Good luck to them!

I met my interviewer for lunch in NYC, very relaxed and I ended up having a great time and learning a lot about the school. The interview was very conversational and took 75 minutes which I think is quite long for a Columbia interview. He knew nothing about me and looked at my resume in the restaurant while we were eating (I brought a copy).


1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Walk me through your resume.
3. Why Columbia?
4. What is your backup plan if you do not get in to Columbia?
5. what will you do if you do not land a job as a consultant?
6. Why do you want to be a consultant, what kind of consultant an what firms interest you?
7. What will you get involved in if you get accepted?
8. Any questions for me?

The interview was very straightforward and nothing unexpected. After talking with him I am even more excited about the Columbia experience.

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