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Columbia MBA Interview Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Report: Early Decision / Alumnus / Off-campus

The following Columbia MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by an Early Decision applicant. Good luck to them!

This forum was a great resource in helping me prepare for the interview and get accepted to CBS, and I wanted to submit my experience in order to help others in the future.

Where as in previous years, it seemed like the CBS admissions office gives you a list of 6 people to contact. This year, the admissions office only offered one alumnus to contact. We set up the interview in a coffee shop – casual setting, very relaxed format. I wore a blazer, and the interviewer was in casual wear. She started by giving me a bit of background on herself, and dove into questions for me.

I was asked:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Why MBA, and why Columbia?
  3. Why an MBA in the longer context of your future goals?
  4. Tell me about a time when you were a leader.
  5. What do you do outside of work?
  6. What activities do you plan on being involved with at CBS?
  7. Why an MBA even though you majored in business for undergrad?
  8. What if you don’t get into the career you planned for?
  9. Any questions for me?

Overall, the interviewer was very encouraging and made sure I was comfortable. She took copious notes, and noted down the details of the classes and activities I said I planned to be involved in at CBS. The conversation lasted about one hour in total.