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Columbia MBA Interview Report: Regular Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Columbia MBA Interview Report: Regular Decision / Alum / Off-Campus

The following Columbia MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Regular Decision applicant.

It was exactly as described in previous posts on this website. This helped my preparation a lot and there were no surprises. It was at a Columbia alum’s office and he asked the following:

1) Tell me about yourself
2) Tell me why did you go to XXX school
3) Tell me about a time you overcame adversity either personal or professional- as I was expecting this I gave both a personal and a professional story
4) Any questions for me

It was pretty straightforward and he told me in his estimate once you’ve gotten an interview its a 50-50 chance of being admitted. Thanks to everyone who posted before me, it definitely helped me sleep better at night. Now to wait. Good luck!

Preparing for an upcoming interview at Columbia? Click here to get the Clear Admit Columbia Business School Interview Guide.

After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.