I wanted to share my Johnson interview experience. My interview was scheduled for 6th of December at 3:15 PM. Starting from Pittsburgh, I had no idea what I was entering into. The GPS took me through the Allgheny forest with its icy roads and my car nearly skidded of the road. The highways were no better as they were mostly covered in the snow storm coming out of the lakes. I finally reached Ithaca by 5 in the evening (night probably 🙂 )….
I attended the Information session at Johnson with Surabh Prasad, a current 1st year student. I would recommend attending this session before the interview as it gives a lot of information about various opportunities at the school. After a 2 hr wait on campus (couldn’t go around Ithaca because of the extremely cold weather) , I met Debby Carmichael , my interviewer.
The interview was very smooth. Debby told me that she hasnt gone through my app and it is a blind interview . She had my resume. The discussion started with my resume and how I ended up in my career. Seeing a lot of team experiences she asked me about my leadership experiences. Building on the example, she asked me about another leadership experience where I encountered a conflict, then it deviated a little towards ethics. The next questions were about my career goals and why Cornell. She also asked me about other schools that I have applied to and how did I finalize the list. Later ,she asked me if I had any questions for which I responded saying I want to highlight my community leadership . I feel it added a new dimension as she said she is glad that I brought it up. Finally I asked her some questions and she advised me to travel slow on the highways.
However, the worst part of the trip was travelling back to Pittsburgh on the I-86,I-90,I-79 combo. It took me 8+ hours to complete a 360 mile stretch. I was glad that I reached safely at 1 in the morning.
Hope this would be helpful for future applicants. Good luck to everyone.