Originally shared by MBAyatra
This post describes my Cornell interview experience.
I received the Cornell interview invite email on October 31, 2007. The email mentioned the name of the contact person and asked me to schedule an interview by calling her up. Also if I was in the US, the email mentioned a preference for on-campus interview. So Ithaca it was!
This being my first interview invite of the year, I was very excited and called up the admissions contact person, the first thing next morning. I was able to schedule an interview over the phone after discussing about 2/3 alternative dates and finally interviewed about 10 days after the invite.
On the day on the interview…..
My interviewer was a person from the admissions office. There was also a second year student who sat through the interview for training purposes. It was the student’s first day at the interviewing practice and hence he did not participate in asking questions. But after interactions with fellow interviewers, I learnt that from the second interview, second year students start taking active roles and adcoms starts being more passive observers.
The interview was very conversational and there were no odd ball questions.
Questions I was asked for my Cornell interview:
- Resume Walk-through
- Why MBA
- If you have been so successful in your earlier jobs, why do you want to pursue an MBA
- Why Cornell
- Leadership example
- Long term short term goals
- I see that you are passionate about XXX, how would you incorporate that in your future work?
- How would your subordinates describe you?
- Team/work situation someone was difficult to deal with
- Other schools applied to.
- Any questions you have for the interviewer.
I had prepared for the interview, by reading my resume, reading all my application essays for Cornell and by reading various interview experiences online at clearadmit and accepted interview feedback
Good luck to all of you for any upcoming interviews!