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Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On Campus

Interviewed on Campus. The woman I interviewed with was incredibly personable and friendly. She had my resume on the table when I came in and explained that the interview would be more like a conversation. I spent a lot of time taking her through my resume. While I was doing so, she guided me to tell her the following information:

  1. Why go to business school now?
  2. Why Cornell?
  3. How do you generally solve problems?
  4. How do you think you’ll be able to handle leaving the hustle and bustle of NYC to come to small-town Ithaca?
  5. Seeing as though you have not worked in any quantitative background, why do you think that you’ll be able to handle the quantitative aspect of the MBA?

No unexpected or difficult questions. I heard from another interviewee that he was asked to list his strengths and weaknesses.