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Cornell Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second Year Student / On Campus

Cornell JohnsonThe following Cornell Johnson MBA admissions interview questions were provided by a recent Johnson applicant.

I was invited to do an interview on-campus, which was held with a second-year student. She was pleasant but very businesslike, which I chalk up to the early time (interview was done at 8:15 in the morning). It was a semi-blind interview, meaning she herself hadn’t read my application, but she had questions from the admissions committee she asked me. Overall, she didn’t steer off-course very much, and kept it to within a half-hour time limit (she said she had another person to interview right after me). Some of the questions asked were:

1. Why an MBA? Why an MBA now?
2. What’s your biggest weakness?
3. Your GRE math score is a bit of a concern due to the heavy math load during the core classes. How will you deal with that?
4. What other schools are you applying to?

The 3rd and 4th questions were a bit of a surprise to me. Overall, the interview was friendly and conversational, but still businesslike.

For more Cornell Johnson MBA admissions interview questions, visit the Johnson Interview Reports Archive.