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Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / On Campus

A very pleasant interview. The admissions rep I interviewed with was experienced and professional. The interview was very much like a conversation in that she let one answer lead to another question. She was directing the flow of the conversation so that she got the information she needed, but without peppering me with questions. She also talked with me about a few of my answers. In other words, she wasn’t just there asking questions. I felt very comfortable, and more importantly, I felt that I was taken seriously. The usual questions were in there (Why an MBA? Why now? Why here? Where else are you applying and why?), but the rest of the questions were just further queries about my responses and questions about my resume. There were no oddball questions, or cheesy attempts to throw me off guard, just a serious consideration of my work experience. The interview went considerably longer than scheduled.

If I were to advise people on how to prepare for the Johnson interview, I’d say that you should be able to make a story out of your resume, because the focus will likely be more on that than on behavioral questions. Cornell seems very focused on understanding your work experience and getting a sense of whether or not you’ll fit in there.