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Cornell / Johnson MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Telephonic Interview / AdCom / Round 1 / Admitted

I had my Johnson interview this week with one of the AdCom members. It was good to have an interview after 3 years 🙂 The interviewer was very skilled and made me feel comfortable. We shared some laughs and also talked about some of our other interests. The questions were pretty standard though at times he asked follow-up questions.

Some of the questions were:-

1. Why MBA? Why now?

2. Career goals and how would Johnson help?

3. Tell me about your leadership experience. There were some follow up questions on this.

4. Tell me about your team-experience. What do you don’t like about working in teams?

5. What other activities are you interested in?

6. What other programs are you applying to? what is common between these programs and what are the distinguishing points of Cornell.

7. What are your strengths? Which three of your qualities would you like me to tell the AdCom?

8. Then he passed the ball to me and said i can ask some questions to him. I asked a few questions.

So, all in all it was a good interview. It was very interactive and interesting.