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Cornell Johnson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype

Image for Cornell Johnson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype

I interviewed with Eddie, who was very friendly and definitely put me at ease right off the bat. He asked how I was doing etc etc before getting into the actual interview.

Questions he asked me:
– Take me through your resumé, specifically your post-undergraduate work history
– I currently work with a family member, so he asked if there were specific professional challenges working with family
– Long and short-term goals
– Why Johnson? (I spoke about both faculty and extracurricular stuff I’m excited about and that aligns with my goals)
– What is your leadership style?
– Describe a difficult situation you had to deal with at work, and how you tackled it
– If I had to ask a direct supervisor or a colleague about you, what are 3 things he/she would say to describe you?
– Is there anything you would like me to communicate to the AdCom?

On the whole, it was not SUPER conversational, there was a structure to the interview but certainly much more positive and relaxed than a couple of others I’ve done.

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