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Cornell Johnson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

Image for Cornell Johnson MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

The interview was short and very friendly. The student prefaced it with the fact that he had some notes from my application and would ask based on those questions, but that really it should be a two way conversation. Questions included in approximately this order-

1. What have you thought of Johnson so far? (Since I was there in person)
2. Why an MBA?
3. Why now?
4. Why Johnson?
5. Tell me about a time you had a failure in a team?
6. Will you continue your entrepreneurial pursuit while in school (most interesting question by far, I thought. Luckily I had practiced for this but it was very application-specific)
7. What do you think makes a good manager?

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