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Cornell / Johnson MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype

Image for Cornell / Johnson MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype

The following Cornell / Johnson MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I am from India. The interview was with an AdCom member on Skype. She had earlier replied to one of my queries by email so she remembered me and greeted me. The interview was semi-blind, she had my resume and notes from the AdCom who had reviewed my application. The questions she asked were as follows:

1. I have read your resume and I see that you have done a bunch of stuff in your job. So what exactly have you been doing after graduation and what did you learn from each experience ?
2. What is the one most defining leadership experience of your career?
3. One thing you most like about your job and on thing you least like ?
4. What is the one thing you wish you knew more about your job ? Meaning an existing skill gap in your job ?
5. What immersion you’d like to take up ?
6. What are your post MBA goals ? Which field ?
7. What clubs and courses you’d be a part of at Johnson
7. What would you do for fun at Johnson ? (I did not expect this question)
8. Tell me something that the adcom must know that is not in your resume or application ?
9. Any questions for me ?

The interview was relaxed. She wasn’t noting down much, like 2nd year students who interview do. She listened for the most part. Overall I loved the experience and looking forward to the result soon. All the best to everyone.