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Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Skype

Image for Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Skype

Opened by introducing himself. Described the interview structure and how it will be conducted. 30 mins of talking + 10-15 mins of questions from me.

1. Walk me through your resume.
2. ST LT Goals + Why MBA
3. Why Tuck?
4. Situation where you didn’t know something and how did you deal with it?
5. Situation with professional conflict?
6. 3 examples – how would they describe you – a) supervisor/manager b) a peer c) someone you managed
7. Most impactful feedback that you have received and how did it change you?
8. Most impactful feedback that you have given and how did it change them?
9. Is there is anything in the application that you missed or want to additionally highlight?
10. Tell me your overall life’s biggest accomplishment.
11. Questions for me.