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Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

The interview was conversational and resume-based. The interviewer was extremely welcoming, receptive, and pleasant. They were attentive throughout the interview and asked many follow-up questions tied to the answers I provided. I embedded Tuck-relevant insights throughout the interview in response to many of the questions. Thus, I think, but may be wrong, that the interviewer did not ask me directly, “Why Tuck?” and/or other similar questions in nature as I provided answers to this type of questions in response to other questions.

The following questions were asked in approximately this order:

Can you walk me through your resume and tell me about yourself?
Can you explain your short/long-term goals?
What area of the world and what specific field in your career of choice interest you?
Why MBA – what specific skills are you hoping to gain from an MBA program? What are you currently lacking and hope to work on?
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Tell me about a time you delivered tough feedback to a colleague of the same standing or supervisor.
Tell me about how you got feedback from the reportees you managed throughout your career.
What do you do for fun? What are your hobbies?
Expand on extracurricular X that is listed on your resume.
Is there anything else you want me to know that you weren’t able to touch on?
Any questions for me? (I asked four questions in total).

The interview went great, and I felt comfortable throughout. The small talk at the beginning helped ease the tension. The interviewer was extremely responsive and welcoming. They seemed to enjoy the conversation and offered to connect via email or a video chat if I have any more questions about Tuck in the coming few months. I came prepared with questions in advance (I think it is an essential component of the interview to show fit and engagement) and with a general statement about my candidacy and why Tuck is the best programme for someone with my profile (as a response to “Anything else?”). I practiced with friends and myself ahead of time, using questions posted online on various platforms (including Clear Admit) and did some LinkedIn research about my interviewer so that my questions could be more relevant to their experience. I was not surprised by the questions except for the fact the experience went by fast!

(Don’t forget to send a Thank You Note later on that day)

I hope this is helpful and good luck to everyone!