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Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Second-year Student / On-Campus

Image for Dartmouth / Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: R2 / Second-year Student / On-Campus

Applicant-initiated interview on-campus. It was a pretty good interview; most of the questions were in line with my expectations. They really do turn it into a full day at Tuck, which I thought made a lot of sense (they are clearly aware that they’re at a relative disadvantage due to location, and know they really need people to fall in love with the culture / vibe of the school). I personally really enjoyed the day and true to form, everyone was incredibly nice and helpful.

  1. Walk me through your resume.
  2. Why an MBA / why Tuck?
  3. Tell me about a time you had an impact on someone else.
  4. What’s the toughest feedback you’ve gotten?
  5. What’s your proudest accomplishment?
  6. What are you most curious about?

One thing that caught me off guard was that my interviewer asked a lot more follow-up questions than I’ve been asked in other interviews. In a Q&A later in the day, the adcom explained that they ask the student interviewers to highlight examples of whether the applicant is “smart, accomplished, aware, nice” in their write-up. They are likely asking follow-ups to get more detail for these buckets, which I thought was interesting!

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