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Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Dartmouth Tuck MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

1. Walk me through your resume.
2. He specifically asked about one of the projects I mentioned on my CV.
3. Why an MBA now?
4. Apart from your personal reasons, what else prompts you to go into the industry you want to join after the MBA?
5. Tell me about some of your strengths and weaknesses – they specifically asked for one example, and some others without example is fine.
6. Tell me about a time when you had worked with a difficult coworker.
7. Tell me about the time when you try to work on something and failed, and what did you come about to resolve it.
8. Why Tuck?
9. What insight could you bring into Tuck if you were admitted?
10. Any questions for them.