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Duke Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom

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I conducted my interview with an alum via Zoom. Both of us were located in Japan, so coordinating a time was easy. My interviewer told me in advance that I should dress casually, so I wore a button-up, no blazer. He did the same. The questions were a mixture of resume based and what-if scenarios. He referred directly to my resume on just two occasions when I mentioned specific roles I held. Some of the questions I was asked include the following:

1. Explain your job role to me as though I’m a six-year-old.
2. Tell me about a time at work that reflects your communication skills.
3. Tell me about a time when you were in charge and it was a total disaster.
4. What have you done that demonstrates your commitment to earning an MBA?
5. Tell me about the feedback you received in your last performance review.
6. What do you wish I had asked that I didn’t?

Overall, I enjoyed the interview and got positive indications of interest from the alum interviewing me. At the end, he told me he hoped to one day consider me a fellow alum. I was a bit surprised by the volume of questions asked, and how they largely centered on me pulling singular examples/experiences from my work history.

I felt like the interviewer got to know me decently well throughout the course of the interview, perhaps moreso compared to my Booth and Wharton interviews. Fuqua seems like a great option, nothing but positive impressions from the interview experience.