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Duke / Fuqua Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

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The following Duke / Fuqua interview questions and report were submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant. Good luck to them!

I was invited to Duke in February and just had my interview in San Francisco, CA this Saturday. This website has been so helpful to me that I wanted to provide some insight into my experience with Duke to help others with their process.

I visited Duke in December, so I decided interviewing on campus wasn’t necessary. It was a BIG deal that I went to campus because most people had not. If you’re applying in round 3, or haven’t had your interview yet, I HIGHLY recommend visiting campus. It would have been a much different experience had I answered “no” when asked about visiting campus. Trust me on this one.

I arrived in San Francisco at 9:00am and there were roughly 40 applicants who interviewed that day. We had a great Admissions Representative who was extremely welcoming and cordial. After 45 minutes to an hour of mingling with alumni interviewers, my interviewer pointed me out and walked me into an interview room. She was a strong interviewer and had been an alumni interviewer for the past three years, so although a bit intimidating, it was nice that she carried herself so well. I don’t remember the exact order and may have missed a question or two, but below is the list of questions to the best of my ability:

1. Walk me through your résumé.
2. Why Now?
3. Why an MBA?
4. What do you know about Team Fuqua?
5. Tell me about some critical feedback that you received.
6. Tell me about your biggest regret and your biggest accomplishment.
7. Tell me about a time you led others
8. What is the biggest asset you’ll bring to Fuqua School of Business.

She ended the conversation with “Do you have any questions for me?”. Of course, I was prepared with a few personal questions as well as program information.

The admissions team also scheduled a meet-up for drinks after the event in downtown San Francisco. It gave us another great opportunity to get to meet other applicants as well as the admissions representative and current students. It was an extremely engaging process and unlike any other interview processes I’ve heard about. I’m hopeful to be admitted and wish the best of luck to everyone else!


Another Hopeful Duke Applicant

Preparing for an upcoming Duke / Fuqua MBA interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit Duke / Fuqua Interview Guide.

After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.